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On September 29th, we will be hosting a joint meeting of the Massachusetts Pollinator Network and the Community Pesticide Reduction Network to discuss how municipal positions (e.g. city councilor, agricultural commission) can be leveraged to promote pollinator health and local pesticide reduction policies.

The Massachusetts Pollinator Network is hosting monthly meetings for participants from across the state to exchange knowledge, ideas, and updates about local actions. Whether you’re a seasoned community organizer or new to pollinator protection concerns, all are welcome! Our next meeting will be September 29th from 7 PM to 8:15 PM.

More details about monthly meetings: In a typical meeting, we will spent some time conversing in small groups and reviewing network updates, including new information about ongoing initiatives like our nursery outreach campaign. We often have a “special guest” who will present informally or lead us in discussion about a topic of interest. We generally meet last Tuesdays of the month. Monthly meetings are a great way to network and to meet folks with similar interests!

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