Mass Pollinator website is currently undergoing construction

Our site will still be active during this time, but please be patient with us as we make our changes for 2024.

Welcome to the Massachusetts Pollinator Network (Mass Pollinator Network, MAPN) official website.

Our Mission:

Pollinators face many challenges, from habitat loss to pesticides, but there is a groundswell of public interest in protecting their populations and the ecosystem services they provide. The mission of the MA Pollinator Network (MAPN) is to expand pollinator habitat and reduce the use of pesticides through creation of a statewide network that connects and supports the growing number of individuals, communities, organizations, and research groups working to protect pollination systems across the Commonwealth.

Toward these broader objectives, MAPN will:

  • Strengthen existing partnerships and facilitate new collaborations to accomplish shared goals;

  • Provide the public, including activists and advocates, with the resources they need to succeed in their efforts

  • Promote native plants, especially those needed by at-risk native pollinators;

  • Work with professionals in plant cultivation, landscaping, and nurseries to increase the availability of native plants;

  • Advocate for local, state, and national policy reforms that protect and enhance biodiversity, including critical pesticide reform legislation;

  • Engage in public education and outreach to raise awareness about the individual and collective actions that will promote healthy and diverse pollinator populations

Together, we will protect and expand pollinator habitats and reduce the use of biocides in landscapes across the Commonwealth!

Action Alerts!

Take Action Now!

Be Heard on Pesticides Reform

The Mass. State legislature is considering several bills which would move our Commonwealth away from reliance on toxic biocides (life-killing chemicals) like glyphosate and toward life-honoring solutions for landcare and agriculture. Awareness and support among legislators has grown significantly and new science continues to emerge which validates our movement supporting swift action to protect the health and integrity of our communities, human and non-human alike.

Take Action Now!
Saving America's Pollinators Act
Tell your representative to co-sponsor Saving America's Pollinators Act!
Saving America's Pollinators Act

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Lead Sponsors and Partners include: