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with Nick Dorian, PhD student at Tufts University and Founder of Tufts Pollinator Initiative.

This FREE event is part of the New Hampshire Audubon Pollinator Speaker Series: Celebrating and Engaging in Pollinator Conservation

When: June 23, 7-8:30 PM

Where: Online via Zoom, **click here to register**

More information here: https://www.nhaudubon.org/event/the-secret-lives-of-wild-bees/

Talk description:

Nick Dorian is an ecologist, an educator, and a naturalist. He is a PhD student at Tufts University where he studies the population ecology of cellophane bees and runs the Tufts Pollinator Initiative, an urban pollinator conservation and community outreach group.

You’ve probably heard “save the bees!” as news reports of insect declines flood the media. But do you know which bees need saving? Over 4000 species of bees inhabit North America, and most of them don’t live in hives or make honey. In this lecture, PhD student and New England bee expert Nick Dorian will teach you about the natural history and conservation of wild bees that call New England home. Together, we’ll examine closely their varied lifestyles, their habitat needs, and their intricate relationships with flowering plants and other insects. You’ll come away with clear action items for creating habitat for native bees in your gardens and with a newfound appreciation for these charismatic pollinators.

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