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Thank you for your interest in Northampton’s No Mow May Campaign! Please sign up via the form below. If you would like to donate to the campaign to help cover the cost of supplies, you can do so via this GoFundMe site (https://gofund.me/083b1a3f). Please email nomowmaynorthampton@gmail.com with any other inquiries!

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  1. Patsy May 4, 2022 at 9:46 am - Reply

    Happy to put a sign on our lawn.

  2. Betty Lynne Wolfson May 4, 2022 at 9:59 am - Reply

    Gladly spreading the word. Will be happy to display, and help get signs up.

  3. Jessica Tanner May 4, 2022 at 10:42 am - Reply

    It is exciting to see what flowering plants will sprout from the lawn when we do not mow. A study with homeowners determined that pollinators benefit the most when you mow your lawn every two weeks versus every week or every three weeks.

    • Amy May 5, 2022 at 10:10 am - Reply

      Hi Jessica, it is exciting! I’ve got wild violets, clover, and dandelions coming up now. Have flowers started in your lawn yet? I saw that study as well and it’s great information! So after not mowing in May, resuming in June every two weeks seems to be most beneficial for pollinators. Also, have you seen ideas for a pollinator lawn? The idea is to replace grasses with creeping thyme, self-heal, and white clover so beautiful, low-growing, pollinator-friendly plants grow where grass once did so mowing is no longer needed. I may try that!

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