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Now – more than ever – we need to care about growing quality food and managing our own little piece of the planet with care and grace.

We’ve just come through a year that challenges much of what we thought was “normal”. It’s time to establish our own new normal where we value the quality of the food supply, the people who produce the food and the land that grows it all.

Want to learn how??? Come join a group that’s been learning for 7 years!

We’re looking forward to meeting you.

Meetings every second Sunday of the month February through November, 2022

Some of the meetings will be on Zoom in the evening, some will be live in the afternoon – noted in the list.

February 20 – Zoom 7pm
Cultivars, how to choose what might work best –
and what is a cultivar anyways?

March 13 – Local small orchard 2pm
Pruning – live but weather dependent – MUST have your email to provide details if interested. May get switched with April if weather is awful…

April 10 – Zoom 7pm
Working with pollinators – and not just honey bees. The guest speaker is Tara Mitchell, landscape architect for Mass DOT who oversees installation of roadside pollinator habitat along our highways. [Must attend this program to participate in the in-person event in May.]

May 8 – ML’s Farm 2pm
Basics of good planting, hands on On-Farm Mineral Mixing Day. Must attend the April event if planning on attending.

June 12 – Zoom 7pm
How to make your own amendments – using the land you’re on to support your garden (with just a bit of outside help!)

July 10 – Zoom 7pm
Change of pace – working with shade plants, herbal, ornamental, ecological stability…lots to think about in the shade.

August 14 – Zoom 7pm
Root cellars and other forms of winter storage – in time to get something set up for this year.

September 11 – Zoom 7pm
Another change of pace – looking at native plants and native plant communities. How they fit in to your landscape.

October 9 – ML’s Farm 2pm
Fall mineralizing and winter prep.

November – Live but not sure where yet
Wrap – up, seed swap, taste testing , where we’ve been and where we’re going for next year.

There’s always room for more interested people so come and bring your energy. For more information email altobelliml260@comcast.net and put GGFF in the subject line – this gets you the zoom links and any updates on locations and weather issues for the live meetings.

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